The Lionsgate family has come up with the following plan to help integrate back to work procedures, while keeping in line with Public Health Guidelines for safety of both our clients and team.
Eliminate wait times for clients
Masks worn by technician and client, bring your own or one will be provided
Hand washing for both client and technician before and after treatment
Exposure questionnaire
Plexiglass installation at front desk
All equipment beds and chairs and surfaces will be cleaned with our medical grade cleaner between each client
This will also include all high touch surfaces (light switches, door knobs, keyboards debit machines, phone, faucets)
We have installed air purifiers in each treatment room
And of course, please cancel your appointment if you are sick in any way, have been exposed, travelling or taking car of anyone who is sick.
The Lionsgate Laser Team has come up with the following plan to help integrate back to work procedures, while keeping in line with Public Health Guidelines for the safety of both clients and staff.
Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and safe to return back to your appointments. To keep the highest of standards of cleanliness, to maintain the health of both you, and ourselves; as well as continuing to do what we do best, result oriented treatments with a loving heart.
We are excited to be back in the clinic at whatever capacity and feel honoured to be servicing you once again, our dear clients, thank you so much for your continued love and support.
Love, the Lionsgate Family xx
We are trying to reduce, to nearly eliminate waiting room time for clients. This means we are staggering appointments to give longer time cleaning between each and every client and clients can help by waiting in the car or outside until beckoned into the clinic for their appointment.
We have identified high touch surfaces including the front door, door knobs, light switches, we suggest we all use the stairs in Squamish thereby avoiding elevator buttons.
To reduce the risk of virus spread we are suggesting all clients come donned in their own personal mask. If you do not have one, a mask will be provided.
Upon entering, the client will wash his /her hands then fill in LLC short questionnaire re-exposure.
During this time the client must come alone, no children, friend, etc unless the client is disabled then one accompanying person can enter. This will help us maintain the physical distancing rules as much as possible.
A temperature check will be performed.
As the virus is carried through droplets we must try to keep singing, talking to a minimum. It will be hard with masks anyway, but this will help protect us all.
I have installed plexi-glass at the reception desk for check out and rebooking the next appointment but anyone still feeling uncomfortable, can do this remotely via e transfer and text either before or after appointments.
We have posted on the door the occupancy limit for each location based on square footage.
Our receptionist Cheyanne will be working from home. She may call clients to set up payments and or appointments. She may work in a clinic on days other staff are not.
As above, clients must arrive alone for their appointments, no children, friends etc.
As the science shows the longer we are in the company of one another at close quarters the easier the transmission, we will be conducting consultations outside on the patio for the 20 min verbal part, followed by a quick in clinic patch test at the end.
We have installed plexi-glass barriers at the reception desks where payment and rebook happens but anyone not feeling comfortable can do these remotely pre or post appointment.
Both clients and technicians will hand wash before and after every treatment.
All equipment beds and chairs and surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected between every client.
This will include light switches, door handles, knobs, keyboards, debit machine, phone, faucets.
Technicians and clients to be wearing masks throughout the procedures.
For laser hair removal on the face, and facial appointments the technician will wear a mask and face shield and goggles and the client will wear a mask as much as possible.
The client will try to face the opposite way to the technician.
LLC has installed brand new medical grade air purifiers for each treatment room.
Pre – COVID-19 the bed and laser equipment was always cleaned and disinfected with Cavicide, now all other surfaces as above, will be included between clients.
Clients must wash their hands upon entering and post treatment and must be wearing a mask at all times.
Our workplace policies ensure that both technicians and clients showing symptoms of COVID-19 are prohibited from Lionsgate Laser Clinic.
Anyone who has had symptoms in the last 10 days including fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and new muscle aches or headache must not come to work or to an appointment.
Anyone directed by Public Health to self-isolate must do so.
Anyone who has arrived from outside Canada or B.C. or who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case must self- isolate for 14 days and monitor symptoms.
Sick technicians or Clients will be sent home.
If a technician or client is severely ill (eg difficulty breathing, chest pain) we will call 911 and they will be escorted out wearing a mask.
We will then clean all surfaces the ill person came in contact.
We have posted signage at the workplace including occupancy limits, mask protocol, and handwashing signage.
We have posted signage at the main entrance, indicating who is restricted from entering the premises including clients or workers with symptoms.
As the science is constantly changing these protocols will be subject to chance so please be flexible we are all learning together.
During the recent downtime the lasers have been serviced to ensure a safe restart
We have spoken to all staff and implemented relevant training where necessary.