Many health conditions can be significantly improved just by changing a few habits and choices in our lifestyle
Nutritional Counselling
Proper nutrition can have a profound impact on all aspects of your life. I have been studying holistic health and wellness on a personal level for 20 years and am also a certified Nutritional Counselor since 2005. As a mother of three, I believe wellness starts even before conception, in utero and on. While we cannot change our genes, we do have control of many other things around us. Taking great care of this unique and highly intricate body we have been given is our each and individual responsibility.
We have all gone through times, when we have started to take our bodies for granted, but often, things can start to go array. Small yet signification warning signals go nearly unnoticed until one day, we are given a real wake up call. I often see people at this breaking point and yet it may have been years since they first started seeing those initial symptoms.
Stress can have a huge negative impact on our bodies which does not seem to add up to much every day, but slowly compounds to become the new ‘normal’. Symptoms like gas, bloating, migraine headaches, rashes, and weight problems seem normal. Once your body is ‘stressed’, other more serious illnesses start to manifest themselves. In our busy lifestyles, we are all surrounded by carcinogens so it is of vital importance that we keep our immune systems as strong as possible.
The Program

Initial Consultation
1hr 15min Session
Nutritional / Lifestyle
Saliva and
Urine pH’s
Goal Setting and Recommendations
Your Investment
Consultation Session
1hr 15mins
follow up sessions
30-45 mins
$90 - $120
all prices exclude tax
We can provide you with a consultation and health assessment to determine your unique needs.
You will complete a profile that includes details on general health and stress levels, current exercise and diet.
The key to success is to set your goals and gradually work towards them, making slow but positive lifestyle changes which over time, help your body heal itself. Learn to balance the three most important factors of life:
Who Can Benefit From Nutritional Counselling?
Virtually everyone! Many health conditions can be significantly improved just by changing a few habits and choices in our lifestyle to enhance quality of life. This approach may be beneficial for people who suffer from:
High cholesterol
Headaches / migraines
Fatigue / low energy
Weight problems
Joint aches and pains
Skin problems
P.M.S. / menopause
Ageing / reduced vision
Laying greater emphasis on prevention, holistic nutrition looks for causes of suboptimal health rather than treating symptoms.

When you take care of something, it lasts along time.
Zen saying